Nutri Care – Rhodiola – 60 capsules – Reduces depression, improves concentration and memory.


Rhodiola contains a wide variety of antioxidants (gallic acid, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid) and flavonoids (catechins and proanthocyanidins), adptogenic activity, support and protection of the heart and lungs and balance activity in the nervous system due to the effect of the plant on monoamine hormones (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine).


A Rhodiola plant called “golden root” or “Arctic root” is traditionally used in Eastern Europe and Asia. Rhodiola rosea is the only strain found effective in studies.

A Rhodiola plant called “golden root” or “Arctic root” is traditionally used in Eastern Europe and Asia.


Russian scientists have determined that the plant has an adaptogenic effect due to its unique chemical and biological composition.


There are several varieties of Rhodiola, with Rhodiola rosea being the only species that has been found to be effective in many studies and has been approved safe for use. Use is done in the root line. The plant has a smell similar to the smell of rose and hence its name.


Rhodiola contains a wide variety of antioxidants (gallic acid, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid) and flavonoids (catechins and proanthocyanidins), adptogenic activity, support and protection of the heart and lungs and balance activity in the nervous system thanks to the effect of the plant on monoamine hormones (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine) Brain, brain stem, and hypothalamus by inhibiting enzymes that cause monoamines to break down rapidly, thereby improving their absorption in the synapse, and balancing adrenergic hormones in stressful situations and reducing the impact of stress hormones on the mitochondria.


Contents of the capsule:


Component Amount
Extract Rhodiola
(Rhodiola Rosea Extract)
250 mg
Powder Rhodiola
(Rhodiola Rosea Powder)
150 mg