Nutri Care – Turmeric – Bio Curcumin Syrup 9000 – 300ML – Vegan – Contains A Patented Component CAVACURMIN



Turmeric Bio-curcumin syrup 9000 Cappuccino (300 ml) – nutri care

contains a potent ingredient CAVACURMIN, a mixture of Curcumin and Cavamax.

= 8 Gamma Cyclodecristin


Bio-curcumin 9000- a potent formula for improving curcumin absorption.

By linking Hcorcominoaidim Laoligoscrid plants named CAVAMAX (also called 8 gamma-cyclodextrin), a component of natural certified food safe to use created the structure of a hydrophobic, which allows Lcorcominoaidim (which are lipophilic) to stay in it and it is used to wrap that improves the absorption of Hcorcominoaidim body.


The result:

Enhancing absorption of curcumin according to 84 From Curcumin Standard and improved absorption of the rest of curcuminoids important for curcumin activity.
The link to curcuminoids does not impair their quality but allows for improved absorption in the body at the top of the small intestine.



Bio-curcumin 9000 is the strongest curcumin in Israel!

Each dose (10 ml) is equivalent to 9000 mg of standard curcumin

  • Researched
  • Cappuccino syrup
  • Without piperin


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