Nutri Care Cinnamore


The Cinnamon is an evergreen tree of the Lauraceae family, which is popular in Indonesia, the Andes mountains, China, Brazil and Egypt. Its inner peel is being ground into a thin powder, that is being traditionally used for seasoning, and as an incense.


The Cinnamon is an evergreen tree of the Lauraceae family, which is popular in Indonesia, the Andes mountains, China, Brazil and Egypt. Its inner peel is being ground into a thin powder, that is being traditionally used for seasoning, and as an incense.


The cinnamon spice is familiar for its strong, sweet taste, and contains an active ingredient that is called Cinnamaldehyde.


Nutritional  information  for  1  capsule:

The  ingredient

Amount  per  serving

Standardized  cinnamon  extract (Cinnamomum  verum)

400  mg

(equivalent  to  4,000  mg  of  dried  peel)

(standardized  to  80  mg  polyphenols)

Suggested  usage: 1  Capsule  twice  a  day, before  meals.

Size: 60  Vcaps.
