Nutri Care Guarana Paullinia


The Guarana grows in the rain forest area of the Amazon in South America, in extreme climatic conditions, which caused it to develop special resistance qualities, it contains a very high concentration of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.



The Guarana is a Sapindaceae tropical vine, which can reach up to 12 meters height. Its red fruits grow in bunches, and when they come to fruition, their color changes to light red, the fruit is being a bit cracked open and exposures the black seed. The part that is being used is the seed, which contains 2. 5%-7% of caffeine that is also called Guaranine which is connected to tannin or phenol.


The Guarana grows in the rain forest area of the Amazon in South America, in extreme climatic conditions, which caused it to develop special resistance qualities, it contains a very high concentration of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.


Contents  of  1  capsule:


Amount  per  serving

Guarana  extract (Paullinia  cupana) (22%  caffeine)

               455  mg

Suggested  usage: 1  Capsule, 1-2  times  a  day.



  • Adults  and  kids  over  the  age  of  12  years  old
  • Do  not  consume  more  than  1  capsule  every  3-4  hours.
  • Do  not  use  this  product  as  a  way  for  awakening.
  • This  product  is  not  recommended  to  people  who  consume  food, medications  etc.  that  contain  caffeine.

Size: 60  Vcaps
